If you’ve browsed through any major magazine over the last two weeks then you have definitely noticed the new Tresemme Naturals ads. Not only is Tresemme affordable & amazing for our locks, but it is now green as well.Formulated with USDA certified organic ingredients: aloe vera, sweet orange, and avocado. These products with naturally derived polymers will leave your hair healthier, shinier, stronger, and looking naturally gorgeous. You don’t have to sacrifice beautiful style when choosing a natural hair care line.
This is truly awesome! I have been waiting and hoping companies would start offering affordable hair care that is healthy for us! Our family loves living green and choosing healthy products. We eat whole foods so much more now, we drink more water and we take our Vidazorb probiotic. It is important to us to make these important lifestyle changes while our kids are young too so that they do not know life any other way than healthy!
I am always just a tad suspicious when a mainstream drugstore brand “goes green” (e.g. Aveeno). I really enjoyed using Tresemme products before I went green a few years ago – they’re just really quality products for cheap. But lo, after doing a little more research on this product, my excitement has fizzled. While the Naturals Shampoo does not use Sodium Laureth Sulfate, it does include Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate, which is no better for you.