It can be difficult to keep up a routine sometimes. It takes true effort to create ritual. At…
Take Action
Teen Diaries Online is always on point with knowing just what information to direct your way. They asked me to write up a little guide to some ways to incorporate green living into your dorm! Check it out: Just about everyone is back to school, whether your starting a new year at home in high school or away at college you can always keep the environment at the fore front of your home design style game. There are ways you don’t have to sacrifice your personal taste or style for the environment. So kick back and check out my guide...
DJ AM, aka Adam Goldstein, was an internationally acclaimed DJ and producer as well as a strong advocate for the environment. He sat on the Board of Directors at the Environmental Media Associationand was often on hand to provide entertainment at their star-studded events. Goldstein was found dead in his apartment on Friday. He was 36. So far, autopsy results have been inconclusive. Most recently he was in the news for surviving a plane crash with Blink 182 front man Travis Barker in which 2 other passengers died. Goldstein said of the crash: “I’m alive, and I’m here, and I...
100 child-sized ice sculptures sit in Beijing’s Temple of Earth to represent the 1 billion lives that will be lost in Asia due to water shortages caused by climate change. The art installation marks the launch of the TckTckTck Campaign, a campaign that works to raise awareness of the importance of a fair and ambitious agreement at the upcoming United Nations Copenhagen Climate Summit, taking place from December 7 to 18, 2009, where world leaders will gather to establish a plan to protect the world’s population from climate change Greenpeace China Climate and Energy Campaign Manager, Yang Ailun says, “We are here today...
Can an urban hipster’s trendy tote also serve the needs of poor Africans? AfriGadget‘s Erik Hersman is traveling through Ghana, Kenya, and Uganda, meeting with motorcycle mechanics, tailors, and roadside food vendors to try and find out. AfriGadget is a tech site with a twist, a blog that showcases the creativity of people “bending the little they have to their will.” So founder Hersman was a logical person to call on for a group of designers and techies trying to figuring out if a solar-powered messenger bag could play a useful role in places where electricity is unreliable at best....
Green commuters often find it difficult to spot the green sites around and to make it simple, the National Wildlife Fund offers a new website called NatureFind. Slickly integrated with Google Maps, it’s an efficient eco-search tool that is available on the internet. A single click opens up a whole new world of nature events, trails, national monuments, eco-tourism spots, arboretums, science museums and observatories. Give it a go this weekend itself!...

Ever been on the subway in NYC and spied an attractive naked woman in high-heels standing next to you? Kind of distracting, right? PETA was obviously thinking the same thing with their new anti-fur ad starring Nia Long. Unfortunately, it’s so horribly photoshopped that I’m finding myself trying to figure out which parts of her are real. And honestly, would you ever let your genitalia touch a NY subway pole? Eek! The movie/television actress (you’ve potentially seen her in something) says, “When I became a mother, I started to really understand the importance of all living creatures in a way...
“I’m honored to serve as an ambassador to the Diabetes Aware campaign, and I want to encourage families to be active and eat right. Small steps can go a long way in managing diabetes, its complications, and raising healthy, active children.” Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson speaking out about his new role as ambassador of the Diabetes Aware campaign. Diabetes is the pits and totally out of control! We’re happy to see a celeb encouraging healthy lifestyles....
I’ve never really been on to go in for Guinness World Record attempts, but this one’s pretty cool: The UNEP highlights the latest effort to go down in history as having planted the most trees in a single day without mechanical equipment. Volunteers in Dungarpur, India attempted yesterday to plant 600,000 trees in 24 hours: The volunteers planted mango, neem, teak, and jatropha. Once planted the trees will be adopted by local people — and supervised by the Indian Forestry Service — to ensure that they are water and properly cared for. No word yet on the final tree tally....
Care about green jobs and greening your community? Then pay attention. Green For All and the Hip Hop Caucus have launched a new campaign: Green the Block. Their first major national service event will take place on September 11th as part of the National Day of Service and Remembrance. In addition to the events on Sept. 11, Green the Block will launch programs to educate members of underserved communities about opportunities in the green economy, through job training, entrepreneurship, and increased energy efficiency. I’m signing up for this asap! Cool to see others with the same goals to educate the inner city youth about the...
People of New York, don’t miss your chance to be a part of Summers Streets NYC 2009. There are two Saturdays left when 7 miles of roads will become car free (on August 15 and 22, from 7 AM to 1 PM). It’s very family friendly and there are more than 1,500 free activities. This Saturday the very own street I live on LAFAYETTE in soho was taken over with tons of free bike rentals throughout the day: “A car-free zone was created from 7 AM to 1 PM starting at 72nd Street and traveled mainly along Park Ave to...