I can’t stand holidays filled with expectations and demands about how you are supposed to spend your night. Maybe that’s the bit of contrarian in me. With that said, I’ve never been a big New Years Eve fan. But today I spent the day researching how other cultures bring in the new year. Key words: BRING IN (less pressure than “celebrate”). And after reading about how different cultures around the world will be spending tonight – all the colorful traditions and customs rooted in each country’s history! Well let’s just say the night has become much more significant to me. And can be for you too! So tonight I will be bringing in the New Year with Brazil, Italy, Venezuela, my Americans, and many others by cooking special dishes, wearing red, yellow, and white, and well hey check out the rest of my favorite New Years Eve traditions and the meaning behind each below.
Brazilians, bring in the New Year with the color they want to represent the year ahead of them. Usually in new clothing. Don’t think this means that you have to dress like a rainbow. A good tip is to add a couple subtle touches to your accessories!
Branco/White = peace, truth, wisdom, good memory and balance
Amarelo/Yellow = money, wealth and wisdom (to spend it!)
Rosa/Pink = luck in love, beauty and to drive away bad energy
Vermelho/Red = passion, strength and energy
Azul/Blue = harmony, health, and an overall calm year
Verde/Green = hope, balance and new beginnings
Laranja/Orange = financial success, happiness, professional and personal success
Violeta/Purple = inspiration, sensibility, imagination, stability; raises your self esteem and helps to keep you focused.
South Americans, Italians, and many others are a big fan of lentils, black eyed peas, and grapes!
- Lentilhas, or lentils, are eaten in various forms (soup, sala, with rice & meat) in order for your next year to be financially successful!!
- Carne de Porco – It’s uncommon for anyone to eat any poultry on new year’s eve here because chickens & turkeys kick back their legs to walk and pigs walk forward. This is symbolic of the way the year will be – walking forward or moving backwards!
- Uvas & Romã – Eating grapes or pomegranate right after midnight and keeping 12 seeds and putting them in your wallet. This also attracts more $$!
– Make Noise! This is supposed to scare away the evil spirits!
– A tradition that stems from Candomblé and Umbanda, African inspired religions, if you’re at the beach, many will jump over 7 waves and make a wish on each hop for the year to come. This is supposed to bring good vibrations your way all year long!
– Poem o pé direito no chão – Another superstitions actually quite literal. At midnight, if you lift your left foot, you start the year off on the right foot . This is usually done with a glass of champagne in hand and hopping 3 times. Hopping up a step on just your right foot also gives you a leg up!! (ok, I’ll stop with the cheesiness now)
– Clean your home, your sheets, and give away anything you don’t need for good energy!
– The Midnight Kiss: The reason you are supposedly supposed to kiss someone at midnight, is because otherwise it is believed that the rest of the year means you will face a year of coldness and lack of affection. Even if it’s your mom, dad, kid, or sibling! Share a little peck on the cheek!
– And for those who meet the drinking age, champagne!