The NACPA has partnered with one of Green Jar’s favorite non-profit groups Reverb! NACPA and Reverb will speak with various promoters and venue operators across the country to get a “lay of the land” as far as their interests, challenges and abilities to go green. In addition to the data collected in this process, Reverb has extensive experience in the live music industry: greening over 100 major tours and thousands of concert events including Jack Johnson, Coldplay, Dave Matthews Band, Drake, Arcade Fire, John Mayer, Maroon 5, Sheryl Crow, Phish, John Legend, the Honda Civic Tour and many more.
After gathering a rich and textured picture of the situation along with many great success stories from the field, Reverb is presenting the suggestions to help encourage concert promoters and venues start down the path of green.
We identified the top six areas of impact with simple solutions, specific examples of where the proposed solution has been shown to be effective, and a few resources to get you rolling.
CLICK HERE to download their suggestions to help green concerts and venues!