You’ve probably spotted Usher’s mug on billboards all over town lately as the new face of Belvedere Vodka’s holiday “Believe Campaign.” The vodka brand’s new social-cause campaign will donate half of all profits from their new special-edition bottle to fight HIV/AIDS in Africa. Belvedere’s partnership with Usher is through a program called “(Product) Red.” You might be familiar with Product Red, in which brands put a special seal on their products and donate up to 50% of their profit to six African countries for HIV therapy, treatment and support programs. (The program is affiliated with the Global Fund, which fights HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.) Apple, Dell, Gap, Starbucks and Nike are among the brands that have participated in Red, helping raise more than $150 million, according to the Global Fund’s website. Belevedere is the first spirits brand to come on board.