A lot of the time people are hesitant to incorporate green products into their skincare or beauty regimen because it almost feels like a downgrade. You see all these fancy products in the department stores and your favorite celebrities are modeling them, how could they lead you wrong. If it’s expensive it must be the best right? Wrong. Most people associate going green with spending more money but this is probably one area of environmental marketing and product development where you can actually save money. I’m not saying switch up everything. That’s not realistic and that’s not how I think people are driven to go green. In fact I hate that phrase. Going green really just means being aware. I always use the phrase “subtle greening” when it comes to green marketing. Subtle greening means being conscious and making small changes into your every day routine with regards to the state of the environment. Even the smallest changes make a big impact. So with that said, the following beauty/health products are staples in my daily routine. Next time you think to go to your local pharmacy to pick up your favorite product do a little research. Is this actually good for my skin? Are there parabens, fragrances, or alcohol in this product that could actually be doing my skin more damage in the long run? Check out my list of products below – all can be found on amazon.com!
1. Hydrogen Peroxide Mouth Wash: Switch out whatever harsh mouth wash you are using, and pick up this all natural mouth wash. Free of the man-made chemicals and artificial sweeteners found in most mouth rinses, Hydrogen Peroxide Mouthwash is a safe alternative to popular brands of antiseptic mouthwashes. It’ll be safe going down your mouth as well as your drain. Not as minty as some of the other ones out there, but it does the job. Hydrogen peroxide as mouthwash will kill bacteria and viruses in your mouth
(Heritage Products Hydrogen Peroxide Mouthwash $11)
2. Aloe Vera Gel: I throw this in the fridge and anytime I need a quick pick me up, I slather some of this cooling gel on my face. It reduces redness, puffiness, and gives you an amazing refreshed feeling.Aloe is so light and breathable, yet moisturizing at the same time.What’s better than that? Even the most sensitive of skin types will not react. This is one of the best natural moisturizers you can put on your face either worn alone or under your make up!
(Lily of Desert Aloe Vera Gel $4.29)
3. Jojoba oil: Jojoba is a botanical extract of the seed of the jojoba tree. What’s interesting about it is that it isn’t actually an oil, but rather what they call a wax ester. Why do we care? Because out of all of the compounds in nature, this wax ester is the most similar to human skin oil (sebum). Applying jojoba to the skin can actually “trick” the skin into thinking it is producing enough oil, thus balancing oil production. The bottom line for us is that jojoba oil is non-comedogenic so we can use it without fear. I massage this onto my scalp before I wash my hair or before going to bed. Not only does it smell nice, but it’s probably the best thing for your skin and hair.
(Desert Essence Jojoba Oil $8.46)
4. Coconut oil: Coconut oil acts as an effective moisturizer on all types of skins including dry skin. The benefit of coconut oil on the skin is comparable to that of mineral oil. Further, unlike mineral oil, there is no chance of having any adverse side effects on the skin with the application of coconut oil. Coconut oil therefore is a safe solution for preventing dryness and flaking of skin. It also delays wrinkles, and sagging of skin which normally become prominent with age. Coconut oil also helps in treating various skin problems including psoriasis, dermatitis, eczemaand other skin infections. Coconut oil also helps in preventing premature aging and degenerative diseases due to its antioxidant properties. Switch out all those lotions that have fragrances and perfumes, and who else knows what you are putting on your body each day. Coconut oil is the way to go! Grab a jar at whole foods and smother it all over when you get out of the shower onto damp skin.
(CocoCare Coconut Oil $5.06)
5. Dry brush: The practice of massaging and exfoliating the skin using a soft bristled brush has been around for centuries. Use this in circular motions on your body before you get into the shower. Apart from the removal of the dead cells on your skin and facilitation of the excretion of toxic wastes, dry brushing is also extremely beneficial for your capillaries and lymph vessels. The strokes should be done towards your heart so that the blood circulation is invigorated. This improvement in blood circulation is why so many people feel extremely refreshed after an energetic session of dry brushing.
(Dry Brushes start at $7)
6: Vitamin E oil: If you are in your late teens or early 20s, anti-aging creams can be overwhelming. You know that you should be taking care of your skin, but to what extent? Vitamin E’s ability to deeply penetrate the skin has made it one of the most widely used natural oil today. Topical application of natural vitamin E can help prevent the damage from the environmental elements. Applying Vitamin E after sun or wind exposure can help ease sunburn and soothe skin. Topical use of natural Vitamin E helps decrease the appearance and roughness of wrinkles. This vitamin oil helps improve elasticity and helps promote healing of damaged skin. Dab vitamin E oil around your eyes each night before bed, and on your eyelashes, it’ll be exactly what your skin needs. No break outs and 100% natural.
(Nature’s Bounty Vitamin E Oil $8)
7. Rosewater: I personally can’t use perfume. Not even the most mild scent. It gives me migraines and my nose is just way to sensitive to scents. Lately I’ve been spraying this on before leaving the house or if I just a need a little refresher. It has that scent like you just left the spa or had a really relaxing facial. And the best part? 100% free of chemicals unlike your over the counter perfumes.
(Heritage Products Rose Water $19.68)
8. Witch Hazel: Swap out whatever toner you are using, especially if it is alcohol based and pick up some good ole fashioned witch hazel! Even though those alcohol based astringents feel like they are making your face clean, alcohol can hurt you in the long run. It’s one of the worst things you can put on your skin, and is a huge source of premature wrinkles. This toner will clean your skin without drying it out.
(Dickinson’s Witch Hazel $3.68)