New Balance has introduced the newSKY which contains an upper that is made of solely post-consumer plastic bottles created a different looking texture than regular sneakers. Looking like a mix between a denim and a suede, this material will definitely turn some heads. Christine Hall and Design Lead for Wellness Drew Spieth recently discussed how they used recycled material to create a comfortable, stylish shoe.
It was a big goal to keep it functional and looking stylish
In traditional shoe design, materials like plastic and leather provide shape and structure; however, the designers reduced the need for conventional reinforcements.
New Balance took the extra steps to ensure comfort by only using elements of a shoe that are completely necessary. Using the same outsole as the NB Minimus, it really follows the trend of “less is more” that the NB Minimus follows.
For a typical shoe, there’s foam, a reinforcer, another reinforcer, and an external material, said Drew. A lot of stuff goes in there and we stripped all that out.
In the final design, each element of newSKY is a testament to thoughtful shoe construction through an innovative use of material. Fabric made from post-consumer plastic bottles was developed into a comfortable, well-designed shoe.
What’s really interesting about this is, aside from the foam and the little rubber components [on the outsole] and a little bit of water based glue, the only material here is the recycled fabric.
This just sums up the basic parts of the shoe but be sure to check out the whole interview about the design and creation of the newSKY by clicking here. The shoes will be available in October.
HIT FROM: Theshoegame.com