One thing I dislike most is the misled assumption that if you purchase something made from sustainable materials you will be sacrificing style for ethics. And I totally understand where that assumption comes from seeing as that most sustainable brands out there just don’t get it. Incorporating environmental choices into your routine shouldn’t mean having to dress like someone you aren’t. Most sustainable brands are very plain, resist color, and are just note cute! But Stella McCartney proves wrong any doubts you may have about “eco fashion.” Just one catch – it might cost you a penny. A long time advocate of environmental and animal rights, Stella kills it each time! Whether it be her shoe line, her skincare line, you name it – she incorporates eco-fabrics, dyes, and manufacturing processes into really dope pieces that you would wear regardless of knowing it was doing something good for the planet or not. Her latest contribution? This beautiful eco cotton tye and dye big chain shopper priced at $1,435. Swoon.