When summer time comes around it’s always fun to experiment with loud colors. Whether it be your accessories, your clothes, your shoes, a pop of color always freshens up an outfit when done right! One of my favorite ways to throw some pop into a look is by having fun with nail polish colors. So temporary and such a statement at times. I’m not into too many eco beauty brands because I think they need to step up their game A LOT if they want to be on the same playing field as some of the larger costmetic houses out there. But I have started testing out NO MISS nail polishes. It’s so important to take care of your skin, hair, and nails. And with the majority of products having some chemical out there, you can’t ignore the fact that it is seeping into your skin at one point or another. NO MISS cosmetics carry a completely non-chemical, non-cancerous line. I’ve gravitated mostly to their nail polishes. I came across their GLOW IN THE DARK polish just this weekend and I can’t wait to try it out for a fun night.
One or two coats applied to nails and/or personal items for fun or safety. Use on natural nails for best results with a clear base coat and top coat to seal it. Goes on milky, dries clear and Glows Bright Green in the Dark after exposure to any light. Re-expose it and it glows on and on and on. Safe to use and fun. Available in 1/2 oz. bottle with brush. CAN BE USED OVER NAIL COLORS TO BRIGHTEN AND ENHANCE!
So cool and Eco friendly I LOVE IT!!!! <3 <3