How many of you hotel stayers have been noticing a new GREEN POLICY/GESTURE at most of your hotels? One would usually stumble upon such a “gesture” in your hotel bathroom printed upon a cardboard card resting against the sink mirror. It would tell you something like, “EVERYDAY IS EARTH DAY….” and then proceed to tell you that they do not collect and wash towels or sheets unless asked! In other words, they are saving energy and water by limiting their daily wash cycles and they are giving you the option to contribute to their fruitful goal or not. Now this is going into personal territory a little bit. Should you have to sacrifice your hygiene for the environment? Maybe not. But don’t misread the subtext kids. The real goal here is to make you more aware of how you can incorporate environmental consciousness into your daily routine. Sometimes we throw towels on the ground that are perfectly clean, or were only used in the most minimal way. But we throw it on the floor knowing they will be replaced. It is just habitual after having stayed in so many hotels or having a mom to pick up around you, but not excusable by any means. So next time check and see if the hotel you are staying at does indeed have an optional green policy. And contribute to it as much as you like. Or better yet if you are a fan of the idea, start your very own personal traveling policy (also try making a suggestion at your favorite hotel).
*My card from a recent stay at the CLIFT HOTEL