The 2011 Coachella Music Festival featured a DJ booth powered by an energy generating playground. Festival goers could choose from a series of different electricity producing installations that fed into a lithium-ion battery well, which powered the entire sound system. The booth was created by Global Inheritance in collaboration with Coachella to offer a unique way for music fans to educate themselves about renewable energy, all while supporting their favorite artists.
In order to use the booth, each DJ required 21 or more dedicated friends to generate enough power to play their set. On stage beside the DJ booth were two human hamster wheels where groupies broke a sweat while energizing the battery well. Below the stage was an adult-sized seesaw where fans toiled away to the music. The exhibit also featured a set of energy generating swings, hand cranks, and bicycles to help keep the music going. This dance floor was not for the faint of heart, and separated the Coachella rookies from the diehard fans in an electrified frenzy of renewable energy.