A little over year after making a big deal of taking their PINK Body skincare line in an organic direction, Victoria’s Secret has quietly discontinued the line. According to the new products on their site, and at least one source who works there, the new products now just say “natural” when discussing the ingredients.
“This line was recently discontinued and a *new* line was introduced to replace it, no longer using the more strictly regulated label of “organic” but instead touting itself as “natural”, which has no regulation at all,” wrote a commenter. “Anything in the world can use natural in the label, it doesn’t actually mean anything.”
VS also touted the old line as all-vegan — but we’re left wondering if that’s still the case. As Stancie Wilson over on FeelGoodStyle discovered last year, VS may have shifted to the “natural” label simply b/c their new line wasn’t really all that “organic” after all.
Either way, now you know — so choose carefully when deciding on a green line of skincare products
HIT FROM: Ecorazzi.com