Image via Hodinkee
This is one of the first watches I’ve ever seen that made me almost want to wear a watch. Well, until I saw the price tag. Yet despite that, it has some great design principles we love, including using solar and perpetual motion to keep the battery charged as well as being crafted for quality and longevity. This is the kind of heirloom design we love to see.
It’s certainly crafted for the fancier – and richer – among us. The watch is priced at $595,000 and will be made on demand to customer specifications. The technology behind it, though, results in an heirloom item powered entirely by renewable energy.
According to Hodinkee, the micromotors and rechargeable lithium-ion batteries are positioned to be discretely visible underneath the solar cells, and the case has a lovely curved shape, a single curved crystal, a lateral window at 9 o’clock and a sapphire case back all designed to increase the visibility of the incredible mechanism inside. It’s a little on the overly fancy side, but… wow.
While costing a pretty penny, this is certainly an item intended to emphasize quality and longevity.
HIT FROM: Treehugger.com